Monday, 20 September 2010

Shoes Shoes Shoes. Again.

You'll have to excuse my posts this week as I'm blogging from my tired, clogged up old laptop as my very selfish boyfriend has taken his lovely Mac on a work course. I popped into Office today as I was contemplating getting a pair of shoes with the 20% off voucher currently in heat magazine. I can't really afford more to be honest, but couldn't resist the temptation of saving myself a few quid! I've been eyeing up the heeled brogues for some time now, but can't quite decide which colour I like best. Then I laid eyes upon these heeled hiking boots. I've been salivating over various styles like this from River Island and ASOS, but they all have such huge heels I just couldn't teeter around in them at work (especially with our five floors of stock room and office space!). These ones (£98) are a perfect height for more every day wear. Laces, khaki, gold hardware? Love love love!

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